Monday, August 30, 2010

How MMA can save your life - a basic self-defense technique

First a disclaimer: I of course cannot guarantee that the self – defense technique featured here will be effective against a violent physical attack on the street, in the workplace or at home. Mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions take place in highly organized and controlled environments. Factors like venue, schedule, fight cards and the approval and enforcement of rules and regulations, within and immediately outside the ring are meticulously planned (well, most of the time). The fighters know beforehand whom they are facing, that it will be a one – on – one and no weapons affair. They know that violating rules like using illegal holds or a baseball bat can cost them their victory. Most significantly, their confrontation is witnessed by hundreds or thousands of spectators who expect them to obey the ref’s “command at all times” and engage in a “good, clean fight.”

Criminal acts of violence, on the other hand, are more often than not random and unpredictable on the part of the target victim. The same rules do not - or rather no rules - apply. Criminal elements may be armed or unarmed. The malevolent act could be planned or random, by one individual or multiple attackers. Prior threats may have been communicated, or it could be a complete surprise. Nevertheless, knowing a basic self – defense technique or two – especially from a sport with the most comprehensive skill set in empty hand, one – on – one fighting - will definitely enhance your chances of survival.

When the bad guy got you cornered and it has come to a fight and no–more–chance–for–flight situation, I recommend the following MMA technique against the lone attacker (emphasis on “lone”). This is a variation of setting up and successfully executing the “ground – and – pound” attack. Please refer to my illustration below to make the following instructions clearer.
  1. Grab one of your attacker’s wrists, either wrist if unarmed or the wrist of the hand holding a weapon if unarmed.
  2. Maintaining your hold on his wrist, step closer and wrap your other arm underneath his free arm and secure the clinch by pressing your hand and forearm against his back.
  3. Leaning forward (to keep your balance and apply pressure on your attacker), move your foot which is on the same side of your clinching arm over and behind his far foot.
  4. With a powerful sweeping motion, kick your active foot backward to take him down to the ground. What’s good about this take down is you can keep yourself on your feet and stand above your fallen opponent, without getting dragged to the ground.
  5. When he is lain on his back, you can land a punch or two with either fist, or if he is still clutching his weapon, keep your grip on the armed hand and pound him with the fist of your other hand.
  6. Now you have the chance to run like crazy before his partners in crime appear and make it more complicated for you. If you are certain that he is all by his lonesome, you can rush to a nearby weapon (maybe his) or heavy object like an anvil and finish him off, while he is still dazed by your, ahem, devastating takedown and strikes. Screaming your lungs out, if you are sure that only benevolent souls can hear you, might help. Otherwise, shut up.

The best self – defense tips would still be 1) maintain harmonious relations, 2) avoid notorious places and 3) secure your home and belongings. But in case a dangerous predicament arises that leaves you no choice but to defend yourself, we hope this basic MMA technique, coupled with your will to survive, will prove valuable.


  1. Nice article. On an added note, "self-preservation" kicks in on most individuals when confronted by an adversary. So individuals without proper self-defense training or knowledge in any form of martial arts, their first tendency is to run away and scream for help. Engaging in life-threatening situation requires training. This also applies to the Animal Kingdom. Some animals play dead, some animals react with their defense mechanims. Imagine a skunk facing a large predator. Skunks would raise their tail high and point ther behind to the predator. This most of the time works for them. Men and women should learn at least a subset of techniques on how to defend themselves and be like a skunk in a manner of speaking. Of course common sense takes precedence, if your assailaint is armed to the teeth, or you are outnumbered, sometimes running away is the best self-defense. Just dont play dead.

  2. Just better hope they don't know the reversal!

  3. This is just a lesson from any martial arts self defense lesson. It is better to be called a martial art technique or a self defense lesson from a martial art style cause at the very first place MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is a sport and not a style or an art.

  4. for a knowledgeable fact.
